Monday, February 06, 2006

Funny Foul-ups

This past Sunday I got there early ready to practice with the praise team. All but one were late. Needless to say we did not get through our whole set. However, Wed. nights practice had gone well so I anticipated a lovely day. The organist had shown up and we thought he could help us out on a couple of songs that would add fullness. So began the first service. The first song was upbeat and went okay. Next some slower sets with the organ. I heard notes coming out and tried to sing with them but it was fumble, bumble, fumble, stop, fumble bumble stop as I tried to keep singing. I frantically looked to the other instrumentalist to help me but they were looking at me like deers in headlights...something was awry. We later found out he had a different key than we had had. Then it was time for a slow song that I had earlier told the organist Not to play on. I spoke and he began. I was sitting at the keyboard looking at my team wondering what to do. My friend in the pew was already rolling with laughter because she said my face was priceless it was a smile with a look of "what do I do". I did sit there waiting for him to stop. His wife at another instrument was giving the slash throat sign to get him to stop. She tried telling the male vocalist to stop him but the male vocalist can't sight read and promply made the facial expression..."Huh?" Finally the organist stopped. We started our worship medley but it was difficult to recover.

Break for Sunday School. My keyboardist reveals to me she cannot keep doing both services and teach S.S. Hmmm. The guitarist who leads most songs tells me that his last day is probably going to be Feb. 12 like he had told so and so. I am in shock. Okay Lord. The guitarist is not angry he is really relieved to be able to bow out because he has been wanting out for a while before we came. Oh boy. What to do. I go to my husbands office and lay my head on his desk. I look up at him and we both laugh. (remembering the disaster of 1st service). I tell him my latest news. He is suprised but tells me to let it go. Let them be free to go. He is right. God is in control. Who knows what I will do but that is for later panicking.

Before the next service I make some copies of our first song. It is "All things are Possible". After welcome we would be doing "All Creatures of our God and King". I then head back to get ready. I visit and come to the front to get started. The music to the first song begins. I am counting and watching what instrumentalist are doing. I am trying be sure I come in right. I do..hurray. I begin singing the melody BUT with the words to All creatures of our God and king. The people are giving me weird looks, I am thinking something is wrong with the words, it doesn't seem like it is fitting the next phrase. Hmmm....what's that....THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT WORDS FOR THIS SONG!!!! I HAVE to stop. I say "Oh. That's not the right words." The people all completely crack up. I am laughing hard myself. I go over toward the keyboardist to get the right music and she thinks I am coming to her so she stands and hugs me. People laugh harder. I come back and say "Well, aren't we glad God is a God of second chances!" Laugh again. Okay, now we can start the song with right words. Whew. What a day. We already have lunch plans with some families. I really just want to go home and cover my head under the blankets and take a well deserved nap. Oh well, off to face my humiliation and look forward to next week.


janiners said...

i'm just smiling because it sounded like in spite of it all, you remained fairly calm and remembered that God is in control. :-) I am glad God brings light-hearted moments when we think things should go a certain, perfect way. :-) I will be praying for your instrumentalists and believe that God will provide just the right people to see the opportunity and be a part. I love you, girl. Thanks for the smiles this morning! :-)

LiteratureLover said...

You poor thing! Laughing. I don't know how you made it through without uncontrolled laughter. Take heart that I would have botched it up even worse. Remember the time that I had to start the same song THREE times over because I kept singing the wrong song? Finally the pianist sang out behind me so that I could get it RIGHT! At least you only messed up once in each service!! :)

SuperMom said...

Ha! I have to laugh! I'm glad you can, too. What a day!! Think of it this can only go up from here, right? Hang in there!