Friday, February 03, 2006


I cannot help it, I am bursting at the seams to shout God's praise! I have shared with you that He has put me in places which have pushed my comfort zone completely. One of them being the worship leading. Let me just say...I am SOOO inadequate and unworthy. Only He doesn't see it that way (of course not, I'm His child) because He knows what He can do. He has blessed me through this process beyond belief. The other day I was having time with Him and He laid a song on my heart in my worship of Him. It was simple but I was in worshipping heaven. The thought dawned on me, this would go perfect as a chorus with "I have decided to follow Jesus". I took it to the praise team and we practiced it with that hymn. Singing hymn verses 1,2 first, chorus He gave me twice, and then verse 2 again accapella. It was so focused on Him. Our praise time was so light and God helped me get ahead in planning so it is not so overwhelming. It was a lovely praising time!

THEN, in another area. Okay, this is WAY vulnerable. BUT! I feel that if we are to really give testimony to what He has accomplished in our lives then we MUST show the struggle so He can have the Glory when we overcome. Overeating. There. I said it. Okay, this has been a struggle of mine for years. It is hard for me to say it because I hate being accountable but I need to be accountable. Anyway, as sad as this is to say, about 8 years ago I heard about a lady named Gwen Shamblin...I read her books and they were Huge for the way I saw things and overeating. She had scripture on almost every page and put things in a way I really understood. Anyway, she is basically talking about ...well, I think I'll let you read it. I just can't explain it like she does. But the jest is to let God fill the emotional needs instead of food and let your stomach tell you when you are really hungry and when you are not. Anyway, God has been working on me on this lately again and it is as if some new understanding just clicked for me. I am definitely not fail proof but I tell you He is amazing. Here are some fun stories...jewels.

I was feeling a little hungry this one afternoon and I really wanted this special sugar cookie with icing. I asked God if what I was feeling was real hunger but felt that He wanted me to wait for Real hunger. I got into some other things with kids and went on. Later that evening real hunger came and ate portion controlled meal and headed out for practice. I was not completely full and had planned to take the cookie with me. Forgot it and felt disappointment. Went on to practice. I am making copies in the office and a lady walks up to the kids and me and said "Would you like a cookie?" I looked up....would you believe there standing before me was the VERY kind of cookie I had wanted!!! Down to the very same pink icing!! Wasn't that Sweet! He asked for my obedience but then gave me blessing for waiting.

Then! Our family was being taken out to lunch by some friends from Arkansas and I was at complete hunger so the small portions tasted so good. I stopped when pleasantly filled and just visited. As I sat there a thin eater (as we like to call them) comes in right in my watching range. I am curious and noisey so I watched sporatically. She did just as Gwen talks about. She ate little by little but enjoyed conversation. She probably only ate about 1/4 of her meal and boxed up the rest. It was again confimation that I was heading the right direction.

Then, the song story above.

Also, our realtor told us our showings on our house have picked up dramatically and some second lookers!! (Please keep in prayer on this)

Plus, my husband sending me a love song as well as giving me a marriage conference. Can it get any better!!!

Okay, I am not saying that God only blesses when we obey but I am saying that He loves to bless His children when they make the right choices. Just like we should be showing our children. With wrong mine to overeat...I have had weight issues, clothes don't fit right, not confident in appearance, daughter pushing big tummy, gall bladder attacks CONSEQUENCES. With choosing to obey...feeling in right relationship with Him, feeling more confident, happy, joyful, not having gall attacks, BLESSINGS!!

Again, He is a merciful God and has blessed me far beyond what I deserve even when I have failed because even when I am faithless He is faithful. However, when I choose Him how loved He must feel and how loved I feel. So I MUST shout His praise! He is Above all I ask or imagine!! He is Good!!!!


LiteratureLover said...

Thank you for sharing so personally what you've been learning. Your "jewel" stories are so fun! I love how God is so creative.

Megan said...

Hey there,

You know, I went through one of Gwen Shamblin's programs about 8 or 9 years ago as well and then found out about some pretty disheartening information about her. I just wanted to let you know so you could do your own research to check it out, but we have personal friends (at least they used to be) who got involved with the program, and then REALLY GOT INVOLVED with the program - they sold their stuff, moved to TN and are now members of Gwen Shamblin's "Remnant Fellowship" which teaches that their church is the only true church and that the rest of us have been living and continue to live lies taught to us by our churches. These friends tried to convince us that we weren't really even believers. They have been completely brainwashed. Among other things, they also deny the doctrine of the Trinity.

Anyway, not trying to throw cold water on your excitement - I've been attempting to lose weight this year too - but wanted to let you know that it might be wise to check into her a bit more, esp. before promoting her. I know of a lot of churches who cancelled those classes after all this came out.

Something to think about, anyway...

(I'm not a wacky blog troller, either - I'm Michelle's sister...)

heartsjoy said...

Welcome to my blog!
Yes, I had heard a lot of that information on Gwen. I am not endorsing everything about Gwen but I am saying that God has definitely used her book "The Weigh Down Workshop" along with His word to speak to my heart. I strongly believe that we each must measure everything by His word and His guidance. So, although I loved her book I know that she, like all of us, can fail. However, God can still use whatever means He sees fit. I also know that people can misintreprete what she says and make it into their own version. I did research and read what she said in response to a lot of the views. In some places, I totally saw her perspective and in others I did not. I do feel that some of the stuff had been taken out of context from what she had said. I still feel that the basic principles of weight loss that she brought out from God's word apply. Anyway, thank you for sharing and wanting us all to be careful that we are hearing God's view and not just a persons.

Michelle- This One's for the Girls said...

I thought about you today when I went to the Dollar store and passed up buying a Snickers Almond. :) So-- you're an inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

Praying for you as you continue to lead worship too.

heartsjoy said...

Dad-I will encourage you through prayer. I know I am never motivated by others offering helpful advice but I can pray for your desire and strength to do it!I need your prayers as well! Also, our date went great. We got to visit a lot and enjoy good food (in moderate amounts of course;) The conference turned out really good and it gave us some good things to think and talk about. I really enjoyed getting to do that with my hubby and just getting to enjoy each other.

TOFTG- I'm always happy if God can ever use me to touch anyone! Thanks for thinking of me. Also, thanks so much for the prayer support, I need all I can get!! :)

SuperMom said...

I am so proud of you for being so vulnerable and honest. It is a difficult area for me as well.