Monday, January 09, 2006

Cursive Handwriting

Yes! you can finally quit reading my naughty list blog. Ha. I have been on break for quite a while visiting family and friends and SO enjoyed it. I am refreshed and happy to be back home. I will write more about that later.

Have any of you ever struggled with cursive handwriting? I hated it! I think the reason I hated it was because I felt I was no good at it. At around 8th grade a boy that I was good friends with looked at my writing and said "Your writing is terrible, it looks like a boys!" I was crushed and embarrassed and starting doing mostly printing at that point. I continued throughout my many years and always just had a bad taste in my mouth for it.

My beloved sister on the other hand has always loved writing. She LOVES a clean sheet of paper just waiting to written on. She is a naturally gifted writer. She also LOVES to read. She loves the smell of a brand new book and I have loved to tease her over the years about her loves.

She influences me in so many ways and while I was with her visiting we were talking about my not liking to write in cursive. I told my sob story and amazingly she didn't remember that! Anyway, she encouaged me to try again. I did it for her sake. She noticed one cursive letter that I did very well and praised me greatly for it! (Do you know how much praise motivates me?) She even said she wanted to write it like mine. I couldn't believe it! She began to coach me to slow down and not be in a big hurry with cursive but to enjoy it. So I did. Well, I'm hooked. I was writing any word I could see, I was singing and writing the words to songs, I was writing what she was saying (to which she did eventually get annoyed and encouraged me to look elsewhere), I wrote quotes from books and the Bible and how it spoke to me. Later my little nieces and son came around and said at each individual times "Wow, you have pretty handwriting." What!!? ME!!? I showed them my old handwriting when I rushed and my new one when I took it slow. They were impressed. (teaching taking place, oh how I love it!)

I came home with my newfound addiction and wrote my menu list. Hubby came home and I showed it to him. He said, and I quote "That's not your handwriting." To which I was delighted! I said "I know!!! It doesn't even look like mine." He still didn't believe it was my writing so I had to write him a love letter right then and there and now he believes!! What transformation even at my ripe old age!! My sister is an amazing teacher and encourager so if you are like me and ever struggled with handwriting just let her coach you and you will be as addicted as me....I'm sure of it! Who knew?! ;)


LiteratureLover said...

You writing machine you! Glad you have seen the light. Now all you need is a ream of paper. ;)

SuperMom said...

That is amazing!!! I'm continually reminded of how a little encouragement goes a long way. And your sister is the Queen of Encouragement :-) Congratualtions on your newfound love! That's awesome!!!!!

heartsjoy said...

Dad, ohh, those mean comments. Don't listen to them. As my sister/teacher said "just slow down and enjoy the movements!" You and I can work it together! :)

Thanks for the continued encouragement you guys!