Monday, April 03, 2006

Pearl Gate

I have prayed for a hunger for God's word. I love His word and want to read it, but when I read David talking over and over about how much He LOVES God's words and when I hear Beth Moore talking about how she can't live a day without them I have to re-think my love of them. I definitely feel that there are seasons I feel this way but not a daily consistent longing. Well, I feel God has used some new outlets to begin this longing in me.

It started while reading "A Woman After God's Own Heart"as well as the"Cornerstones" book for girls. In the Cornerstone book it talked about preparing our girls to have work at home so they wouldn't have to work outside the home even if they never married. I thought this was so neat since I have needed to do this from time to time. She gave great thoughts on how to use natural skills and talents and it got me to thinking about what were mine. This started an idea in my head. Then, when reading the other book it talked about imparting God's wisdom to our children all throughout the day. I have read those verses and that has always been a goal but I felt lacking. Anyway, what started as one venture turned into a different venture and it has set my mind a churning. It was contagious because my kids wanted in on what I was doing. I found I was consumed with a passage and trying to memorize it. The more I thought and dwelt the more I wanted to read it again. The more I tried to memorize the more I took home. So, was this the meditating He was talking about? The part I memorized was life in me. Then, in S.S. we were in Revelation. There were parts that related to the part of scripture I had been meditating on. And chewing on throughout the day, and re-visiting, and learning, searching, loving.

Anyway, I was in S.S. and the lesson was on ch.21. I was amazed by some facts I have missed in the past. I always heard the pearly gates but this is neat:

"1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and first earth had passed away, and the sea existed no longer....16bHe measured the city with a rod at 12,000 stadia...19a the foundation of the city wall were adorned with every kind of precious stone....

21 THE TWELVE GATES ARE 12 PEARLS! each individual gate was made of a single pearl. The broad street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass."

Can you imagine walls as long as 1500 miles and a gate, a single pearl big enough to be the gate. It goes on to say,

"25 Each day its gates will never close because it will never be night there."

Anyway, that afternoon I told my son I had some neat stuff from the Bible but I would tell him a little later. Later he begged me to share what I was talking about. I did and it turned into big discussion and Bible focus. I love those God moments that I already have with my kids but I realized I need to be more intentional about it and help them also be excited about the living truth! I found it really is contagious. When I was excited and focused there so were they. Hmmm, sometimes things I make hard really should be easy. In fact, Jesus addresses that, my yoke easy and burden light.


Sarah said...

And I do think part of the equation is praying for God to give you that hunger! Thank you for sharing your excitement!

Diane Viere said...

LOVE the name of your blog...and your post today! If anything can awaken the hunger of your soul--it is a Beth Moore study!


LiteratureLover said...

You're right. Excitement breeds excitement! And I DO think that meditating is chewing on it and seeing it throughout the day. Great post!

janiners said...

i have a post brewing about my own Bible reading, so to read yours is really encouraging to me. :-) i love that passage - I can't begin to imagine pearls big enough to be gates! thinking about heaven makes me so very homesick!

Michelle- This One's for the Girls said...

I didn't realize that there were 12!! What an awesome mental picture of Heaven.