Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hard Day

Sunday we had the vote for the worship leader. It did not go well. The vote was split and the "no's" got it. We were floored. My husband was hurt. He is the pastor and it felt like a slap in the face to his direction. This has not been the case with other things but I think with music people get really touchy. Needless to say, I, as the fill in "volunteer worship leader" was Very disappointed. I thought if I could just make it until they came all would be fine. Now, I am debating giving my 2 weeks notice and letting them find someone else.

My sweet hubby did an amazing job relaying the message to the sweet couple but there is no good way to give that kind of news. They are young but were so was tough. Please pray for my husband as he was hit hard by this and wrestling with other thoughts. Pray for me as I want to support him and not take up an offense (although at this point offense is taken). Sometimes in ministry and dealing with this sort of thing you want to just throw in the towell and go live like everyday people, getting to minister how you choose without people's expectations. However, I know spiritual warfare happens and that is more what this is about. I know we have the victory. Sorry this is a downer e-mail but thanks for your prayers.


janiners said...

i'm sorry to hear this news and sympathize with you. will be praying for you, hubby, and that God would lead the right people to you all. i know He will. love you.

LiteratureLover said...

That is so yucky. I hate that it happened. I know you guys are hurting and that's so hard. I will be praying for you both to have good direction on what to do next.

SuperMom said...

When we were "in the ministry", I struggled with those same thoughts of just wanting to be "normal". I understand. Sorry it didn't go well. Hopefully that just means there is someone even better suited for the job.

It probably means you've been doing so well no one else can measure up!!! ;-)

Michelle- This One's for the Girls said...

When I read your story, I immediately thought of the verse that says, "There is no temptation, but such that is COMMON to man..."

Unfortunately, what happened at your church really is all too COMMON and these sorts of things just drive me nuts. Have faith, girl. God could have made it happen and He didn't.

But my flesh is marching up to the "no" voters right now and asking them if THEY would like the job???? ;)

Diane Viere said...

I am so sorry for you and your entire church. Our Church is still recovering from a nastier church split--the Associate Pastor and Senior Pastor had a difference in vision. It is so hard within a church family to have any kind of tension--it really is a family.

God Bless you as you minister to the couple leaving and to the remainder of your "flock."


Ruth said...

Hey Girl! I read your post last night late...had a heavy heart for you. I can totally relate to the hurt your felt when that situation occurred. I couldn't respond right then because I felt the anger along with you. But, something my hubby said as we talked about it going to sleep last night was this: When we were in full-time ministry it seemed like everything that happened was done to us personally...either for us or against. Now as full-time lay people, we see that so much of what happens in the church is among various groups of people (doesn't make it right..) but it seems like so many times it is power struggles amongst various people in the church (usually those who've been there the longest). I think if I'd realized this when we were in full-time ministry it would have saved me a LOT of emotional grief. I took EVERYTHING as a personal attack. Also, what Michelle said is so comforting and true...I didn't really understand this a few years ago...God even works when bad people are doing bad things. They are still pawns in His hands. He is still the Master in control...keep your spirits up, Girl!!! Those folks called you and hubby and kids because out of everyone that applied...they liked you best and God wanted you there! By the way...while I read your post...I was listening to that song "Victory" and it also reminded matter what...He has the victory!! I'll be praying for you that God will light another lamp in the midst of this momentary fog....
Love you girl! :)

heartsjoy said...

Thanks you guys! Your words were very encouraging and leading me back to Him. I did feel like shoving the job at them but I do feel better after a few days have passed, just having more time with the Lord and knowing He is in charge! Thanks for your words and prayers!

thebarefootpoet said...

I'm commenting late here, sorry hj just got back by your blog. I couldn't be more sad this happened. I can imagine how your husband felt, and I can imagine how that couple felt. I have a couple or really long swords if you need me to come on down there: ) I'm not gonna go out and say someday you'll be grateful for all this, cause it's entirely possible that this result is an act of disobedience. I do believe that God takes these things and turns them so that they lead to something good, and you will certainly see that and be grateful for the grace of our great God. My heart is with you, and any support I can offer as you continue filling in is yours for the asking.

One other note, "everyday people" who minister how they choose come face to face with people's expectations. Those of us who serve in a church position often feel that we are pressured by the expectations of those who sit before us. Those who sit before us might say that they feel pressured by our expectations of them. just food for thought...

heartsjoy said...

WH -thanks for the sweet words.

BFPoet-thanks for being willing to come with swords...laughing...also thanks for the support. You are right in that we all have pressures, I guess the grass always looks greener on the other side.