Sunday, December 04, 2005

In a Moment

Have you ever noticed that just in a moment things can drastically change. When you look up and realize your child's head is now at your neck, when your friend who was pregnant just found out there is no longer a heartbeat, when another friend just got engaged, when someone confides in you without names only to slip later and influence your feelings. So many things have happened today in just a moment. My heart yearns for the years with my kids to go slower, it aches for my friends loss of a baby, it leaps with joy for the one who'll be married, and feels tight to know something I shouldn't. How I am glad that I got to dig in God's words today. How wonderful that they never change, that in a moment they can bring you the peace you desperately need, give you the love you so dearly cherish and the grace you do not even deserve. He is Life and Truth and Freedom. Oh, I long to know Him more, in a moment!


LiteratureLover said...

Hmmm. That is amazing how quickly one moment can change your life forever. I like how you brought it back to the life-changing work God can do in a moment. That's reassuring.

SuperMom said...

Okay, I can tell right now I'm going to have to schedule time in my day to read all these wonderful blogs and try to keep up with my own. Let's see...Lunch at noon, story time and naptime for kids, three hours of "blog time"...

What a day you had. Interesting how life takes us for a roller coaster ride at times. Thank goodness we know Who is at the controls.