Thursday, July 06, 2006

What is the Purpose Again?/Routine schedule

Do you ever do this? Wonder about the purpose of different things going on in life. I was asking myself why I do certain things certain ways. I mean, I LOVE paper plates that you can throw away instead of washing a dish just to make it dirty again. I do find joy though in having pretty dishes and a nice dinner and I don't want to support cutting down All the trees with my lack of desire for washing.

So, anyway, back to the point....purpose...what was the purpose of this blog...oh yea, I was thinking of this in relation to my kiddos and our agendas. I have been accused of being a fun mom which I love. However, I have begun to see kinks in that wonderful plan. You know, kids require more fun times, expectations are up, gratefulness is down etc etc... I want my kids to have a fun life and then thought why exactly? I mean, I guess it is because I want to have fun in life. I believe our heavenly father created us to have those fun moments and to find joy in the midst of life....however, I don't read where he says our life is about fun only. He talks of persecution and sacrifice....things I cringe at. Hmmm, not fun. However, in the martyrs I have read about, they have such peace and contentment in Him alone. There are stories I read that one would think they would chuck it and get out of that mission field but they stay. For what purpose. Their desire to be Holy not just Happy.

So, in light of that...realizing I may be sending my kids the wrong message with only fun times in mind. We will continue to have them but I want them to also understand sacrifice and perseverance, putting others first and discipline. I have always hated that word....discipline...maybe because I feel like a failure there. I don't want my kids concerned with failure but rather focusing on the goal. Not focused in a Me mentality but Him mentality. We all have ups and downs but you know what I mean? What is the purpose of all we do? Is it really for the higher purpose or are we only focused on Me and My stuff. Life is so fast and I don't like how fast it is going but now I realize more than ever that my purpose is to guide my treasures to be ready for battle, be ready for defeat, be ready to be focused, disciplined, self-sacrificing. True contentment, peace and joy will be found in Him.

Sometimes in homeschooling I have put our table work or reading/knowledge work before the heart work. When I do that things get out of wack. Usually when I do that it is representative of my own heart issues. So, striving forward. I love to read other peoples schedules so I will list some of our own routine for now. You will find not perfection here but what we strive for Enjoy.

Sortof Early Morning :)
*Morning routine and daily chore
*Bike riding (for kids)

Mid Morning
*Table time - this focuses on whatever season the kids are working on. Usually always involves copywork of things I choose or they choose. They usually like to accompany copywork with artwork. Alternate days of math, Language arts/phonics, geography (however, as you know this is always going on anyway).
*Prayer/Bible - we move to living room, have globe/dictionary handy. We sit around coffee table, talk about what we want to pray for, look at past requests and see what has been answered then we all pick some to pray for and pray. When we begin the Bible reading,I read and answer questions while they draw whatever they want from the story. BTW, they are wiggly, moving and drawing etc. However, they listen very well even wiggly. I ask them to tell me about the story...youngest first....older always seem to get more.
*Free play


Early Afternoon
*Outside activities...for summer often swimming

*Productive Play - This is their special interest times or things I encourage them to do to see if there is any interest there. I let them help me in this to develop their special bents and gifts.
{Some examples:
**Son age 9 - movie making(illustrating, filming, editing), building(with wood, invention creation, legos), reading, playing learning board games, nature study.
**Daughter age 6- drawing, sewing, knitting, board games, puzzles, playdough, nature study.}
**Me - designing regency/modern dresses, sewing, songwriting, knitting, researching interests, writing about findings.


Evening Family activities and free time.

This is our routine that we try to live out. There will defininetly be God interuptions. However, I don't stress if something gets left out. We are striving to do this routine and always willing to tweak it when needed. :) I would love to hear your routines as well!


Dana~Are We There Yet? said...

Thank you so much for an insightful and informative look at your life. As I said before, I'm just starting WWOL, and I've been so scared to dive in because I thought I'd drown.

Your routine looks do-able (I'm sure that's a word), flexible and unhurried.

I often complain that I'm stuck doing a job I'm not qualified for and no good at (raising/schooling kids) and there's no way out. Recently, the Spirit counseled me that perhaps it was time for ME to remedy that and GET qualified and DO better. YA THINK?

I'm trying, by the grace of God.

Grafted Branch said...

I'm with Clemntine! Been doing this homeschool thing for 6 years, and still feel totally unqualified. I am quite literally entering 6th grade with my 11 year old (at least in History/Bible).

Mostly, I just need to get ahead of my kids. Easier said than done when I stay up 'till midnight blogging! Ugh. Thanks for posting your routine. It helps to have the "fly on the wall" peek.

janiners said...

that sounds so great, girl! Lately, as the time gets closer for me to be home, I am looking to develop a routine for our blended family. It's a daunting task and one that I am approaching with much prayer, thoughts, and tons of ideas. To be able to create "my own" routine is pretty exciting and also a little scary. I am already worrying needlessly about how my stepdaughter will react to some of the things I'd like to do - less TV, more outside play, better eating, Bible study, more activities that will engage our little ones to learning, etc. It's hard to try to implement anything right now as I'm not home to "enforce" or facilitate these things. Anyways.....

This blog was about you. I love your routine and can relate to that wiggle room to allow God to move and break the routine and not get caught up in finishing everything. That is something I can foresee my own heart getting caught up in.

I didn't know you were such a paper plate lover! I've already got my eye on a set of new dishes (since we moved and are planning to stay for a while and will be garage selling our piecemeal dish sets). I'm just a sucker for pretty things.

Praying for you and the kiddos in the routine and guiding them to be ready for all that life will bring them.

LiteratureLover said...

Great routine! I usually have the outside time (bike riding) after we do table time but maybe getting the energy out FIRST would be better. Good idea.

SuperMom said...

I love hearing others routines, too. That way I can steal ideas :-)

Our routine includes doing chores first and then table time. But I'm thinking just doing one chore, then table time, then breaking it up with another chore might be better.

I don't know who clemntine is, but I love her cute little picture!! She looks like Orphan Annie. It's so cute.

Michelle- This One's for the Girls said...

I have been sooo "unroutined" this summer. I think we need one--I found inspiration here today. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. It is good to read and catch up on your family since leaving FBCSpringdale! I'll have to add you to my favorites now!

Wendy said...

Looks like a great schedule. We are new to homeschooling, so I am trying to figure out mine as well, yet realizing it needs to be flexible and leave room for changes.