Saturday, July 29, 2006

Good Recovery!

Thank you to all who lifted up prayers on my behalf! My surgery went perfectly. I was able to have laproscoptic and go home three hours later. The doctor said I had a non-functioning gall bladder. It had a big stone blocking the canal and it did not have the normal fluids in it. It had a milky white substance around it and they are sending it to the lab.

My sister and hubby took me to the hospital and prayed with me before going in. My sis went to get the kids and take care of them after I was in surgery. My parents came but they had gotten me in so quickly that I didn't get to see them until after surgery but they were a welcome site. I rested there for a while and then felt good enough to head home.

My sister babied me completely and I had no cares in the world while healing. I don't know what I would have done during the day without her! She and my hubby took care of everything. I had wonderful friends who brought meals for the week so that was a welcome relief as well. My first day after surgery I felt really good and got up and around but over did it a little. The second day was a setback and I was in bed most of the day. However, since that day I have felt better and better with each day that comes. I am so excited because I am already starting to feel energy come back and that is a welcome feeling! I am so thankful to the Lord for His kindness and mercy! Thank you for your loving words and prayerful support!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Having Surgery

I went to the doctor last week to have some things I have been neglecting checked. I found out that I have hypothyroid so I will be taking meds that I am hoping will help me feel better and loose some weight. :) I also have had gall attacks over the years and wanted to get it checked. They had me come in on Thurs for a radioactive test.

I went in for the test but the first time through the gall didn't show up...they gave me morphine to send it back up again. It still didn't show. The doctor said it was an abnormal scan. He said "Usually what that means is you will be going to surgery today." My eyes were like saucers worried. He then went on saying, "However, since you are not in pain right now we can wait until you see the surgeon" So, they scheduled my surgery for Monday. I go in at 10:30 am and the surgery is at 12:00. It is suppose to be the laparoscopic (sp?) kind which would have faster recovery and I should go home the same day. There is only a 5% chance of having to have the cut you open kind....hoping I am not the 5%.

My parents and hubby are taking the day off and my sister is coming over. Sis has graciously decided to come stay with me to help me and the kids! I would really appreciate your prayers. I know this is a pretty routine surgery but it is not routine for me! :0 I am not real good with these things but I know I am at a bigger risk if I don't have it done. The doc. also said if I have any pain or fever I have to go to ER to have it done immediately. YIKES! So, that is what is going on here. Thankfully our insurance went through really quick. Again, I would appreciate your prayers!!

The one thing I am looking forward to is having energy again. I have heard from people with hypothyroid as well as gall bladder romoval and both have said about both things that after they got on meds or had it taken out they felt so much better!! I am really looking forward to having energy again! Tired of being tired. L

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Love Em!!!

Today has just been one of the days where I realize once again how much I love my family!!! It has been a time of working on notebooks together and reading and cuddling. (If you get queezy with the mushy you may not want to read. :)

My dear son is so thought provoking and seeks so many wonderful answers. He is a strong leader yet very sensitive and kind. The other day when I felt bad he told me to lay back and rest and covered me up and gave me what I needed. It was so sweeet and was just what I wanted. I love seeing his tender heart in moments like that. I love talking with him, snuggling and listening to his ideas. I know God has terrific plans for Him now and in the future. I look forward to watching their relationship grow. He has a heart to tell others of God's love and he really cares about others knowing the loving God he already knows.

My precious daughter is a server and a giver. She has acts of service down and can see things how they need to be done. She also loves to give to, cards, her stuff, gifts etc. She likes sports but is very feminine and girly. I love to sit and snuggle with her or play babies. She has such an imagination. Tonight she just showered me with kisses and it was soooo precious! (usually it is me showering her and brother with slobbery smooches) She loves God and doesn't understand why anyone wouldn't choose to follow Him. I look forward to seeing her relationship with the Lord grow and seeing what wonderful ways He will use her life.

I had a friend the other night at the pool watching them and said "They really are great friends aren't they." Yes, I hope they will always keep that special friendship bond. I love tucking them in at night with prayers, songs and some nights getting great chats.

My amazing husband, working so hard each day for our family. Coming home and working here too withOut cross words. He is loving with all his acts of kindness. His children adore him and he them. He makes us all laugh and brings more joy in the home. He is our leader and we all know it and respect his place. He inspires us with his leadership to be better. He is a lover of God and seeks to follow Him even when it doesn't make sense. He is Not a worrier, complainer or whiner. He is upbeat and looking forward in faith. I always look forward to seeing how God will continue to work in His life!

My sister, parents, brother, in-laws, dear friends...I could go on and on.

Yes, I know times change and things don't stay the same but I am so happy and humbled to be able to love and be loved by my precious family. Thank you sweetums!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Is Listening An Aquired Art?

I have been in quite a few situations in the last month where I needed to be silent and listen. I enjoy listening while I also get to give my own input. However, I am talking about the kind where you SHUT the mouth and really pay attention only to what they are saying. Putting aside your goals, intents, to do list etc...

I have a dear family member whom I love who is lonely and needs to be listened too. At first, when I was hearing stories two and three times, I began to feel a sortof frustration and wanting to yeah yeah the story up. However, through many different avenues the Lord guided me to calm down and enjoy the ride. I mean, just listen. You know, even when stories are the same there is usually one thing different. Or, even if it is the same story you can still take joy in it thinking of that person in that time.

I was invited to lunch at a Crumpet Tea Room with my Mom and her buddies. I ended up going to the wrong one so I was pretty late getting there. They had all finished eating and my food was waiting on me so I started to eat. Right off the cuff they wanted my opinion on some marriage things. The conversation later turned into parents with grown children. They were talking about trying to help their kids but how that seems to make the kids mad. We ended up sharing some about how my Mom handled this. She'll admit that in the beginning she didn't handle it right. She suggested, encouraged, expected etc while I heard in my mind not good enough, criticism, failure. It goes along with a quote from a devotion she studied that really stayed with me. "Unsolicited advice is criticism". Whoa. Now, I know with young children it is a little different but we are talking adults. Anyhoo, chatting with those ladies and hearing my Mom say that the very Best lesson she finally learned was to "Keep your mouth Shut!" It kindof hit me that I need to be practicing this lesson now on insignificant things like the color of my kids shorts not matching or the way They fold the napkins. Some things are important but the most important thing is them knowing God's love through me!

Anyhow, back to case in point. Art of listening. Listening to friends, family, God. I believe it is an aquired art! As I heard it said to me "Love, Is, Something, That, Everyone, Needs = LISTEN.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Have you ever felt this way? It seems that this feeling of inadequacy peeps it ugly head quite often with me. I can feel happy and joyful about life but then it seems I realize once again how I fail or come short on so many levels.

My husband sent me an article by a man who was highly involved in marketing. He is out of marketing now and telling people the truth about the marketers and how they is very eye opening. Their goal is to keep us feeling inadequate so we buy all their products to make us feel better. Lies. Deception. Sound like someone I have read about before. I realized that once again the father of lies wants me stuck in my inadequate mode because there it goes to self-focus and a downward spiral.

It is amazing to me how opposite God's message is....hope, peace, worth. I realize that I have been allowing myself to listen to many avenues that provide lies. I am feeling convicted but still allowing it to be in my life. Why?

I heard a pastor talking about how we are in good company if we do the things we don't want to do and don't do what we want to do. Paul. He was so passionate for the Lord. David. A man after God's own heart. And yet, obvious downfalls and sin in their lives. Did that stop their journey? No. How encouraging. We are a work in process.

I saw a passage that I have seen many times before, however, it had new meaning for me as far as our home and school wise.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is inspired by God and is
profitable for teaching,
for rebuking,
for correcting,
for training in righteousness,
so that the man of God may be COMPLETE,
Equipped for EVERY Good work.

Complete. Wow! That is where I need to be in Him, His words. I want that for me and my family, my kids.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

What is the Purpose Again?/Routine schedule

Do you ever do this? Wonder about the purpose of different things going on in life. I was asking myself why I do certain things certain ways. I mean, I LOVE paper plates that you can throw away instead of washing a dish just to make it dirty again. I do find joy though in having pretty dishes and a nice dinner and I don't want to support cutting down All the trees with my lack of desire for washing.

So, anyway, back to the point....purpose...what was the purpose of this blog...oh yea, I was thinking of this in relation to my kiddos and our agendas. I have been accused of being a fun mom which I love. However, I have begun to see kinks in that wonderful plan. You know, kids require more fun times, expectations are up, gratefulness is down etc etc... I want my kids to have a fun life and then thought why exactly? I mean, I guess it is because I want to have fun in life. I believe our heavenly father created us to have those fun moments and to find joy in the midst of life....however, I don't read where he says our life is about fun only. He talks of persecution and sacrifice....things I cringe at. Hmmm, not fun. However, in the martyrs I have read about, they have such peace and contentment in Him alone. There are stories I read that one would think they would chuck it and get out of that mission field but they stay. For what purpose. Their desire to be Holy not just Happy.

So, in light of that...realizing I may be sending my kids the wrong message with only fun times in mind. We will continue to have them but I want them to also understand sacrifice and perseverance, putting others first and discipline. I have always hated that word....discipline...maybe because I feel like a failure there. I don't want my kids concerned with failure but rather focusing on the goal. Not focused in a Me mentality but Him mentality. We all have ups and downs but you know what I mean? What is the purpose of all we do? Is it really for the higher purpose or are we only focused on Me and My stuff. Life is so fast and I don't like how fast it is going but now I realize more than ever that my purpose is to guide my treasures to be ready for battle, be ready for defeat, be ready to be focused, disciplined, self-sacrificing. True contentment, peace and joy will be found in Him.

Sometimes in homeschooling I have put our table work or reading/knowledge work before the heart work. When I do that things get out of wack. Usually when I do that it is representative of my own heart issues. So, striving forward. I love to read other peoples schedules so I will list some of our own routine for now. You will find not perfection here but what we strive for Enjoy.

Sortof Early Morning :)
*Morning routine and daily chore
*Bike riding (for kids)

Mid Morning
*Table time - this focuses on whatever season the kids are working on. Usually always involves copywork of things I choose or they choose. They usually like to accompany copywork with artwork. Alternate days of math, Language arts/phonics, geography (however, as you know this is always going on anyway).
*Prayer/Bible - we move to living room, have globe/dictionary handy. We sit around coffee table, talk about what we want to pray for, look at past requests and see what has been answered then we all pick some to pray for and pray. When we begin the Bible reading,I read and answer questions while they draw whatever they want from the story. BTW, they are wiggly, moving and drawing etc. However, they listen very well even wiggly. I ask them to tell me about the story...youngest first....older always seem to get more.
*Free play


Early Afternoon
*Outside activities...for summer often swimming

*Productive Play - This is their special interest times or things I encourage them to do to see if there is any interest there. I let them help me in this to develop their special bents and gifts.
{Some examples:
**Son age 9 - movie making(illustrating, filming, editing), building(with wood, invention creation, legos), reading, playing learning board games, nature study.
**Daughter age 6- drawing, sewing, knitting, board games, puzzles, playdough, nature study.}
**Me - designing regency/modern dresses, sewing, songwriting, knitting, researching interests, writing about findings.


Evening Family activities and free time.

This is our routine that we try to live out. There will defininetly be God interuptions. However, I don't stress if something gets left out. We are striving to do this routine and always willing to tweak it when needed. :) I would love to hear your routines as well!