Thursday, November 02, 2006

Ever have one of those days?

Well, here I am writing what seems to be my monthly post. L We had a good weekend dressing up and having some yummy candy. I even dressed up at work as a puppy and you would have thought I actually turned into one. Let me tell you , it is a Very good idea to dress as an endearing animal because everyone just went on and on with the cuteness factor. I wish I could dress up every day! L

Okay, so back to my title, have you ever just had one of those days where you are just irritable and emotional and no reason why? Yes, I was having one of those yesterday. I was overwhelmed by the home, what I need to do and relating to my precious kids. (and no, not that time either....wish I could say it was.)

So, I was thinking why am I being so much this way? My life is good, I have had a fun weekend, nothing is really bad except for not keeping up. So, I did what any girl would do, I sent my kids on an outdoor hike with walkie talkies in hand and called to chat with my best girlfriend (my sister). It was just what the doctor ordered.

Can I just say that after I had some quiet time with them having fun and me doing some planning and strategizing with sister I felt 100% better. Oh yes, and after reading the e-mail that my parents are offering to keep my kids so I can get a date night with hubby....whoopie!!

So, I was just wondering if other Mommy's out there in blog land were having some of those days. Let me know what you do to snap out of it! ;)


Anonymous said...
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Diane Viere said...

Ever had one of those days????? Absolutely! No matter how old I get, I can't avoid I just anticipate them....and know that this too...shall pass! It's perfectly o.k. for those who love us to practice a little patience...a little compassion! It's possible that "one of those days" may just be a teaching tool!

Great post!


Bttrfly1976 said...

How come only mommys can have one of those days?? Just kidding. Typically, when I have one of those days, I go borrow someones kids. ;)

LiteratureLover said...

What do I do? Call my sister. L Talk about funk, I have definitly had those moments lately too.

Bttrfly, I wish you were my neighbor!!

SuperMom said...

No, I NEVER have days like that.

Yeah, right. Probably about every other day.

So, when are you posting a picture of you and your puppy costume?