Monday, May 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!!!

Today is the birthday of one of my greatest Heros! He is the man who worked two jobs to make ends meet so that my Mom could stay home with us. He is the man whose family WAS His hobby and we knew it. He is the one who was always there filming pretty much anything we did and promoting us to others like a promotion manager would do. He is not about being in the lime light and is a very behind the stage personality. He is a major Server and serves the Lord with a joyful spirit!! He is always sporting a big grin and His face just naturally looks loving and caring. He is a man so many others respect. He is consiencious (sp?) and detailed with financing and overseeing the affairs of the home. He is wise. He is a follower of Christ, not just in words but in deeds. He shines the love of God to anyone he meets. He is friendly and a hugger. He is also a teaser! He loves to jump out and scare or to do pranks. He also receives this back with laughter and fun. He has helped laughter always be in our family. He has shown courage, faith, love, hope, and peace throughout His life!

Dad, there is no way to adequately describe you. I do want to say that I am forever grateful that on this day many years ago :) you were born and have blessed and enriched our lives forever!!

I love you!!


Bttrfly1976 said...

He sounds like an amazing father! Happy Birthday to him!!

Michelle- This One's for the Girls said...

Happy Birthday D!!!!!!!!!!!

LiteratureLover said...

I second your post!