Friday, June 27, 2008


To my precious hubby of 16 years!

You are the one who loved me from the beginning
You can make me smile by just giving me a look
One of the things I love about our relationship is
Our enjoyment of each other, great trust and lots of laughter
You make me laugh so hard my side hurts, I cry or have to make a run. :)
You have always encouraged me to be who I want to be
You do not hold me back from exploring things I love
You have always let me soar
You cherish friends I cherish
You encourage my time with them
and have always allowed my closeness with family to continue
You see my many faults and continue to love me through them all
You are not jealous or mean spirited
But rather a wonderful gentle strength
You have always been a leader to me and to our family
Whether we agreed or not you helped us move forward
I have always admired your ability to go where you felt led
Regardless of the results or what anyone said
You want to be where the Lord would lead
When we argue we both want to resolve
You I am angry you know how to soften with with a smile
You've done acts of service from the beginning
At first it was not so appreciated by me
but as the years progress Your gifts of love I see
When we shared our first birth I saw you look at me with such love
Your eyes watered as we rejoiced in our first child
and in the labor you were by precious rock
you told me what a good job I'd done
Then when blessed with our second child
You told me at first sight how beautiful she was
You have been a hands on Dad from the beginning
We work as a team and God has given us so many dreams
I have enjoyed our walk together
Through the highs and through the lows
We are comitted to each other and we both know
I knew from our first date that you were a galiant knight
And God has blessed me with the one that was right
We have so much to look forward to in years to come
And I look forward to sharing it with my chosen one.
I love you so much and am happy to say "Happy 16th Anniversary!"


ValiantDad said...

Thank you for a wonderful tribute. I hope that I can live up to the characteristics you mention, and in an effort to leave only a "comment," I love you too!

Bttrfly1976 said...

awww....ya'll are so darn cute. If it weren't so cute I'd be gagging. :)