I feel that God is working to grow me in many ways. My hubby approached me with wanting us to consider a new school. It is a school that does 2 days school and 3 days homeschool. It is a university model and a classical approach. I like all that I have read and I am enticed by the fact that lesson plans would be done for me for the most part. However, it is still so different from what we have done. I hate giving up time with my kids but with my part-time job I have given up some of that time anyway. I wish I didn't have to but I have to trust that God can lead my kids and me and that possibly it is for growth for us all.
Anyway, they have rules as far as who you are and your family being involved. They ask that only one parent work full time and the other only up to part time due to the homeschooling involved. They had us fill out a detailed application including our testimony. Then they gave us a family interview and tested the kids. The testing part about gave me a hernia. Why is it that we feel so exposed and vulnerable when someone else is evaluating our work our most precious children. I stressed needlessly because the kids did good. But regardless God showed me that He is the one I should be seeking as to whether I am doing what I need to, not the system. However, it was refreshing that they did well.
My kids both seem pretty excited especially my eldest. It is neat watching them relate to others and I am already praying for sweet God seeking friends.
I think it's funny how wrapped up we can be in their performance. I get those knots and none of the kids are even mine. Yet somehow I still feel they reflect on me. Good thing I have a bunch of smart and talented nieces and nephews. :) At least I don't brag! Your kids are quite intelligent, I think you have absolutely no need to fear! I'm going to call you back, don't worry. ;)
I hear really great things about the university model schools! Sounds like a good direction. Glad for you that the kids did well. Testing mine would give me a hernia too. ;)
My nephews attended a school like that in Arlington and they LOVED it. The only reason they aren't still there is finanes - and the commute from Burleson.
Wish we all had more time to blog. I miss the daily reads!
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