Monday, July 14, 2008


Well, this past week I had some interactions with family and I can't believe how quickly I can be like a 2 year old. I do NOT, as a full fledged adult, want to be TOLD what to do! I would rather resist than lovingly embrace a bossy instruction.

I am wrestling with letting go of my rights but also not letting others get away with their selfishness. However, if I was not being selfish myself, their selfishness probably wouldn't bother me so much! L

The Lord has been dealing with me on my little tudes and how they also affect my family and get planted in them as well. My kids are watching and learning and ick, this is not the way I want them to be.

I have been re-reading some of my articles from Marilyn Howshall. Can I just say that I am truly hit to the heart.

I realize that I act in the flesh way to much including my parenting.

She does such a good job of sweetly saying things that just hit a good way.

I hate that I react in my flesh with my kids and I don't like knowing that it is producing the same in them when I do that.

However, I am excited and encouraged to enter into a phase of God squeezing and working in my life to flush out that big fleshy side. He is so gracious to be patient and continue to teach me!

Friday, July 04, 2008

Eyes open for the pictures!

Have you ever had a friend that can't keep her eyes open for a picture to save her life?
I do. :)

Here I am with said friend...R.

We'll just call her squinty for short.

Her hubby has the same problem.

God bless em.

Notice the one where she is trying hard to keep them open in the scary eye picture. LOL, she is so much fun and always has me laughing. If you have friends with the shut eye problem give us some ideas for a fix.

Happy 4th! Injury

We enjoyed a great week with my sister and her kiddos only I didn't get ANY pics to show of it! That is awful. However, we had fun reading at library, eating out bagels at Panera, swimming, creating at home...journals, talking, playing etc! We so loved having them but it went to fast.

Last night we had a wonderful time with our Marshall family and friends! Marme & Papaw, Susan & Kendyal and kids, Friends K,R & H, and us. :)

Funny story we'll remember: Okay so last night we eat burgers, hot dogs and such (many desserts) and begin to head to fireworks display. was a whole hour late and we had arrived 30mins. early. There was a storm brewing so it was lightning before and during the fireworks.

The kids were playing and goofing and we had some sparklers. One of the head of the sparklers fell off and landed on my toe. I felt a shart burning sensation, screamed and jumped and sure enough there was literally fire on the ground! My toe and flip flop were scorched a bit. However, Marme had some ice so I was able to put it on quickly. Injury from sparkler....who'd a thought? L

It is fine though.

THEN, we were chanting for fireworks and just about to give up with off they went. We all cheered so loud! They were GORGEOUS!!!


Cheers for more beautiful fireworks


Swoosh--Bottom fell out and we all RUN with stuff to the cars pretty much drenched.

It is one of those times we know we will talk about forever.

We promptly rushed 2 inches in the truck and slowly inched our way out of the area (3 miles) in 45minutes.

I think we will ask the neighbors how good the view was from our street and if it was good, we may make our memories here in our yard. Or just bring our table, drinks and tent for next year.

Well, here's hoping to a great 4th for you!!